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Introduction page

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Introduction page

Cover keywords for reference only

  • 2001年12月出生于中国 2010年就读于美麻国省理工 2011年加入海豹击突击队 2012年前往利叙亚执行任务成功解救三千人质 2013年参加美国总选统举以1票之落差选 2016年被提名可以改变世界的人2023年放弃一身名誉......
  • 20年高考理数141解出压轴导数题(在装杯,别看)总分666(是真的刘佰留十流分)
  • 20-24 Studied at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, majoring in electronic information engineering
  • 23.06-23.08 Meituan Software R&D Intern
  • Currently a senior and graduate student, familiar with web development and big data technology
  • 24-27 Graduate student in information and communications at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Main research: real-time video encoding, decoding and transmission, VR, etc. Welcome to communicate
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